Publication Ethics

This publication is a member of the International Committee on Ethics in Publication (COPE) and is committed to adhering to its principles.

Link (COPE)

Charter of Ethics Journal of Ferdowsi Civil Engineering is designed based on guidelines provided by the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE) and all users are expected to adhere to these ethics. Any plagiarism or other immoral behavior will result in the removal of the article from the arbitration process. This charter is designed to determine the duties and responsibilities of authors, editors, editorial board members, and judges.



1- Forging: Producing unreal data or giving unreal reports or writing unreal facts.
2. Deceiving: changing data, deleting, adjusting, or adding to data in such a way that the presented material seems to be novel, or by doing that a specific theorem seems to be correct or incorrect. Deceiving can be intentional changes in equipment or in process of testing in such a way that a specific theorem seems to be correct or incorrect.
3. Cheating: using written research data or results of others with no permission or with no mentioning of a used scientific software, program, test equipment of others while doing research with them.
4. Coping: using significant or effective parts of a manuscript or translation of the papers or and document that has already been printed in such a way that claims its originality is considered coping.
This also could be if part of a paper, even with proper referencing is selected without rewording it or not showing it in notations.

Unethical research behavior

a) Definition
If in a paper one of the cases of forging, deceiving, cheating, or coping takes place then one unethical research behavior has happened.
b) Reference list must be limited to whom having an effective share in the creation of the work.
1- Not quoting names of people who have had an effective share is an example of unethical behavior.
2- Adding the name of one or more authors who have had no effects in creating a paper in the list of references is also an example unethical behavior.

1- Using the results of a paper under your names or others is an unethical research behavior.
2- If the reviewers research the same subject or a related subject then they must notify the publisher and not accept the review assignment.
Procedures of encountering unethical research behavior
1- Receiving the written accusation from an organization or a scientific person by the editorial office.
2- Reporting the case to the unethical committee of the journal
2-1preliming investigation of the case by the unethical whether the accusation is valid and if further investigation is necessary or not.
2-2 If necessary, collect and search the documents and prepare a report indicating the accusation is false or true.
2-3 sending the report to the editor along with suggested punishment in the case of true accusations.

FUM Policy on Using AI and LLMs

In compliance with the position taken by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), in all FUM Press publications, including academic papers, authors may use AI and LLMs tools to prepare initial drafts “in the Materials and Methods (or similar section)” of their manuscript. They may do so transparently, and only if they maintain full accountability and responsibility for the content of their work. Since these tools cannot take responsibility for submitted manuscripts, “AI tools cannot meet the requirements for authorship” at this stage. FUM Press remains strictly committed to the long-established academic standards regarding authorship, plagiarism, transparency, and accountability; authors are thus required to properly document and state their use of AI or LLMs.