Investigation of Mechanical Properties and Durability of Cement Composites Containing Feldspar, Silica Fume, and Short Metal Fibers

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran.

2 Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran.


In this article, the effect of using different weight percentages of materials with pozzolanic properties, such as feldspar and microsilica (as a partial substitute for cement) on the mechanical and durability characteristics of the specimens, has been investigated. Studying the effect of using steel fibers with a volume percentage of 1% on the mechanical properties of cement composite is one of the other goals of this research. In the current research, 19 mixing plans were made from cement composites containing microsilica, feldspar and steel fibers. Feldspar and microsilica with weight percentages of 5%, 10% and 15% individually and in combination were replaced with cement. The examined properties include: compressive strength, Bending strength, tensile strength by direct, electrical resistance, percentage of water absorption and (SEM). The results showed that in samples containing short metal fibers, an improvement in compressive strength was observed; So that all the fiber samples had increased resistance compared to the control sample. Among the samples without fibers, the lowest amount of compressive strength loss due to heat was assigned to the design sample with 15% feldspar replacement. All samples containing 1% steel fibers, regardless of the replacement percentage of feldspar and microsilica, resulted in higher bending strength. Examining the results of the direct tensile test shows the significant effect of steel fibers on increasing the tensile strength of cement composites containing microsilica and feldspar; In such a way that the use of 1% of short steel fibers causes the tensile strength to increase by 39% on average.
