Mass dynamic analysis of structures requires high computational cost which leads to time consuming process. Therefore, it is necessary to use simplified models that significantly reduce the time of the analysis with appro-priate and acceptable accuracy compared to the detailed model. In this research, a simplified model of multi degrees of freedom for the dual system of moment resisting frame and shear wall with regular plan is proposed. MVLEM model is used for shear wall and Substitute Frame is used for RC moment resisting frame. The MVLEM model consists of axial elements that simulate the flexural behavior of the shear wall and the substi-tute frame uses one bay frame instead of multi-bay moment resisting frames. In the end, the accuracy and speed of modeling and analysis of the simplified model compared to the original model as a detailed frame. The results show that the simplified model provides seismic responses with less than 10% error and analysis time less than 30 times compared to the detailed model.
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Esmaeiltabar nesheli, P. , , Khosravi, H. , and vasegh, J. . "A simplified model for dual wall-frame system", Ferdowsi Civil Engineering, 35, 1, 2022, 31-44. doi: 10.22067/jfcei.2022.74215.1102
Esmaeiltabar nesheli, P., Khosravi, H., vasegh, J. (2022). 'A simplified model for dual wall-frame system', Ferdowsi Civil Engineering, 35(1), pp. 31-44. doi: 10.22067/jfcei.2022.74215.1102
P. Esmaeiltabar nesheli , H. Khosravi and J. vasegh, "A simplified model for dual wall-frame system," Ferdowsi Civil Engineering, 35 1 (2022): 31-44, doi: 10.22067/jfcei.2022.74215.1102
Esmaeiltabar nesheli, P., Khosravi, H., vasegh, J. A simplified model for dual wall-frame system. Ferdowsi Civil Engineering, 2022; 35(1): 31-44. doi: 10.22067/jfcei.2022.74215.1102
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